Tashi Norbu Join Tashi Norbu at the opening of the Himalayan Film Festival The Festival takes place between October 22 and 28. Tashi will open the Festival at 12.30 pm, by creating an actual Tibetan painting of a Buddha, while reciting Tara mantras during the ritual of the bodhisattava of compassion of which The Dalai Lama is regarded to be the reincarnation. This ritual is to support The Dalai Lama’s message for Universal Peace. During the festival Tashi Norbu will exhibit his Tibetan Contemporary Art paintings at the "Himalayan Spirit Expo". Tashi Norbu’s paintings reflect the contemporary spirit of one world, one peace and individual responsibility for our modern culture in each work produced by his hand. He applies a collage technique typical of the Abstract Expressionism of the 50s, but he glues on his canvas such self-absorbing elements that meditation becomes unavoidable while observing his work. It is not the New Yorker hellish society of Rauschenberg and Warhol but the silent equilibrium of Tibet and of H.H. the Dalai Lama that predominates Tashi Norbu’s work. Tashi Norbu, a Tibetan born in Bhutan, started his training in thangka painting after High School. He had a chance to work with one of the most respected teachers of traditional Tibetan art, venerable Sangey Yeshi. Tashi has worked as a thangka painter for the Private Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India. In 2000 Tashi came to Belgium where he has held many Art exhibitions. As a self employed artist Tashi is currently working in Amsterdam where he is starting a foundation dedicated to the preservation of Tibetan Art and Culture. He is deeply committed to bringing the beauty of the Tibetan culture to our modern world. May the Tibetan Culture shed its light on the entire world! For more information see: Exhibitons and News. http://www.tashinorbu.be/ , www.tibethouse.nl, http://www.tashinorbu.be/film.htm, http://www.tibetartmovement.com/pdf/Tashi_Norbu_CV.pdf. If you have any question regarding this press release contact: tashi@tibetartmovement.com
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